break your bonds and fly, sweet sparrows | roll to disbelieve

SHOCKING: Another Reformed evangelical leader turns out to be a hypocrite

Reformed theology is an add-on to evangelicalism that amps up its already existing dysfunctional authoritarianism and power disparities. The people who belong to Reformed groups think that their ideology is far superior to base-model evangelicalism—that it produces Christians whose Jesusing is both more fervent and more correct. But Reformed groups Read more…

welcome to the new age | roll to disbelieve

The future of evangelicalism: A ‘tribal marker’ and social club

Recently, some social scientists studied evangelicalism and came to some interesting conclusions: Its future won’t look particularly Jesusy, at least by current evangelicals’ definitions! Embracing that truth might just stem some of their ongoing decline. But since when did evangelicals excel at embracing the truth? (From introduction: Jordan “JD” Hall’s Read more…