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  1. Ubi Dubium

    Ben, you write wonderful comments here on the main blog, but I don't see you on the R2D Discord...

    Ben, you write wonderful comments here on the main blog, but I don't see you on the R2D Discord. Do you post under a different name there, or have you not joined the Discord yet?
  2. Ubi Dubium

    Hey there!

    Yes, sometimes I go quiet when I'm busy with other stuff. But I'm still always reading the posts and comments.
  3. Ubi Dubium

    Hello yall!

    Hi, Lilith, and welcome back! There's a little bit of chat here, and on the main blog posts, but you will find most of the community conversation is happening on the Discord. Here's the invite link: I've watched a lot of stuff from Useful Charts, great channel. I...
  4. Ubi Dubium

    I Was A Christian Kid Bingo Card

    We used to do political signs for candidates, but my husband got a job that disallows endorsing candidates, so we had to stop that. My car has an Invisible Pink Unicorn emblem on it, which is very subtle and only recognized by a few people who already know what it is. Which is fine by me...
  5. Ubi Dubium

    I Was A Christian Kid Bingo Card

    On this one I get probably two and a half. I had Youth Club every week, and was gifted a youth bible. I did go to a christian camp, but I wouldn't call it a full-on "bible camp".
  6. Ubi Dubium

    I Was A Christian Kid Bingo Card

    Oh, please do one and post it!
  7. Ubi Dubium

    I Was A Christian Kid Bingo Card

    The only one I have from that whole card is Narnia. I liked the stories as a kid, but they haven't held up well. I need a different card for kids from mainstream protestant churches: modern bible translations, knowing all the songs and the guitar chords to all the songs, youth group meetings...
  8. Ubi Dubium

    Christianese 101

    Christianese 101: Mission Drift In Christianese, mission drift describes a congregation's slow slide into basically a vaguely-Jesus-flavored country club. ... For the most part, we find this interesting bit of Christianese in the more sales- and recruitment-oriented flavors of the religion...
  9. Ubi Dubium

    Christianese 101

    Christianese 101: Reversals as part of Christian mythology In the New Testament, writers often play around with reversals. Here are just a few attributed to Jesus, courtesy of Knowing Jesus: Even more than that, Jesus himself is a reversal in many ways: A divine god-man who arranged his own...
  10. Ubi Dubium

    Christianese 101

    OK, here's my summary of this one from the recent long post on the subject. Any suggested revisions welcome.
  11. Ubi Dubium

    Christianese 101

    Again, not in a box, but worth adding here:
  12. Ubi Dubium

    Going From Wiccan To 3rd Generation Athiest

    "It has been really hard going from being Wiccan and believing in magic to going atheist." There's some comforting things about being an atheist, though. For instance, when some random bad thing happens to you, a lot of religions put the blame on you. Christians will claim that god is testing...
  13. Ubi Dubium

    Going From Wiccan To 3rd Generation Athiest

    My chorus director has ADHD, and he's had an enormously successful life. He was a high school chorus director for many years, and is absolutely beloved by all his former students. My daughter who has ADHD does have trouble settling into schoolwork, but a combination of adderall and coffee...
  14. Ubi Dubium

    Going From Wiccan To 3rd Generation Athiest

    Hi BunnyJen, welcome! I have a daughter who has ADD, Aspergers, and Social Anxiety, so I feel for you. Looking back at organized religion, it's clear that it was a bunch of people all playing a pretendy fun-time game about how the things they pretended were real. I think the same way about...
  15. Ubi Dubium

    One of the most controlling and insane aunts you've ever heard of.

    One of my favorite bits: Police Officer 1: Ma'am, you are under arrest for destruction of government property (apparently cutting up a valid license is a felony in some places....who knew?) and grand theft of this car. Aunt: You can't arrest me, I'm her mother, I have rights! Police Officer...
  16. Ubi Dubium

    One of the most controlling and insane aunts you've ever heard of.

    I don't like to listen to someone read me a text when I can just read the original, it's much faster. I figured out these stories were from Reddit, so I asked google and found these four posts, and they are all hilarious! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
  17. Ubi Dubium

    I think it says something about me that what popped into my head was the Weird Al version of the...

    I think it says something about me that what popped into my head was the Weird Al version of the song you were spoofing, before I remembered the original.
  18. Ubi Dubium

    Processing grief

    That was an amazing article, and I've signed up for their email, which I didn't know about before. Thanks!
  19. Ubi Dubium

    Christianese 101

    This wasn't in a box, or labeled Christianese, but I think it belongs here:
  20. Ubi Dubium

    Christianese 101

    Thanks for posting that!