Analyzing Christianity
The Religious Right has not ‘distorted the faith,’ but revealed it for what it is
In 2006, Randall Balmer accused evangelicals in the Religious Right of wrecking evangelicalism. But they didn’t. Christianity itself did.
In 2006, Randall Balmer accused evangelicals in the Religious Right of wrecking evangelicalism. But they didn’t. Christianity itself did.
I’ve been asked this one question many times over the years, and it’s always posed with a spiteful sneer: ‘Aren’t you glad your mother was pro-life?’ But my mother was pro-choice.
Quite literally speaking, gatekeeping is as old and as cherished a tradition for Christians as celebrating Communion. Back when I was evangelical, I saw this truth firsthand. Indeed, I encountered a truth about Christianity that deeply troubled me: the adherents Read more…
This J. Robert Smith fella definitely tells his TRUE CHRISTIAN™ audience what they desperately want to hear. (To put it in Christianese, he tickles their ears. And that’s not a good thing.)
Authoritarians hate a lot of people. But they hate apostates far more than anybody else. An apostate is a threat and a danger, one which must be eliminated immediately and with as much force as can be mustered.
The very worst sorts of Christian leaders and groups desperately need their followers to buy into biblical literalism, which is quite possibly the most childish and poorly-informed hermeneutic possible.
While exploring my new hometown, I caught sight of a sign for a churchy-sounding financial-planning ministry. Its name was so vague that I had to get my phone out right then and there to figure out what it really was. Read more…
Recently, the United States government finished the first part of its investigation into federally-funded boarding schools that abused Native Americans. As you might expect, it’s a dark read. Primarily, it reveals that for 150 years, the American government used these Read more…
Next Gen will totally and for sure fix the SBC’s decline!
In the military, with its huge, life-altering penalties for insubordination and disobedience, it’s more important for military leaders to firmly and decisively rein in these overreaching authoritarians.