break your bonds and fly, sweet sparrows | roll to disbelieve

SHOCKING: Another Reformed evangelical leader turns out to be a hypocrite

Reformed theology is an add-on to evangelicalism that amps up its already existing dysfunctional authoritarianism and power disparities. The people who belong to Reformed groups think that their ideology is far superior to base-model evangelicalism—that it produces Christians whose Jesusing is both more fervent and more correct. But Reformed groups Read more…

Imago Dei indoctrination won’t ease evangelicals emotional problems

With their increasing appreciation for the Catholic concepts like the imago Dei, today’s modern evangelicals take another step closer to fusing with hardliner Catholics. Two of those evangelicals recently offered (archive) some false and unsupportable claims about the effects of adopting this doctrine. Today, let’s explore those claims—and see how they Read more…

making calvinists do counseling can't possibly go wrong can it | roll to disbelieve

This evangelical wants more biblical counseling in Calvinist churches

Usually, evangelicals have a hate-hate relationship with mental-health counseling. And they should. Counseling puts the lie to their entire conceptualization of Jesusing their troubles away. But yesterday, one evangelical guy gave a speech to Asian Southern Baptists that sought to reposition counseling as a responsibility church congregations have toward each Read more…